Band Director: Tim McBreen
Email: tmcbreen@houstonisd.org
Mr. McBreen began teaching at Oak Forest ES in January 2014. He studied Music Education at The University of Houston and Houston Baptist University. Born and raised in Dallas, TX and now calls Houston, TX his home.
Mr. McBreen loves teaching at Oak Forest Elementary School! The parents, students, administration, PTA, and community are fantastic! "Each year I am anxious to tackle new moments & memories together!"
Bobcat Beginner Band (new students)
Bobcat Concert Band (returning students)
Fusion Band (selected students)
The OFE Band averages nearly 60 new beginning band students each year and totals to nearly 100 students!
The OFE Band performs and participates in a variety of different competitions and festivals throughout the school year!
Winter Performance/Dinner Fundraiser (December)
All-City Band Performance (January)
Waltrip Concert Band Festival (March)
Waltrip Jazz Festival (April)
Spring Performance/Dinner Fundraiser (May)
Band Classes Begin --> Tuesday, September 6th
Monday, August 1st @ 9:00am
Do you need to secure an instrument?
Music & Arts has a wonderful rent-to-own option with quality instrument brands to select from.
Here is a link to secure your rent-to-own instrument --> LINK (CLICK ME)
The OFE band has a limited supply of school-owned instruments, which are always refurbished to playing condition.
Here is a link to secure your school-owned instrument --> LINK (CLICK ME)
We will begin band Tuesday, September 6th.
If you have your instrument now, GREAT! However, please refrain from trying to work with it especially if you are a BRAND NEW student.
Instrument repairs are NOT something you want to begin this year off with.
The average cost for instrument repair is between $75 (for minor issues) - $250 (for major issues).
-- Please do us both a favor and be patient. I know students will be anxious, but trust me, it is worth the wait for you both 🙂
The BAND app
This is our primary source of communication. You can reach me directly and more efficiently than email, as these notifications are sent directly to my cell phone.
Below is the direct link to join us on the BAND app
Below are the best methods of reaching out to me:
BAND app (response time = 15 minutes - 2 hours)
Parent Square (response time = 2 - 12 hours)
Email (response time = 12 - 96 hours)
- Tim McBreen